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Content Marketing

7 Simple Tips for Increasing Your Website Traffic

December 2, 2014

Getting a good website traffic going has been (and continues to be) one of the toughest challenges for all online businesses. This impinges on one to constantly be on the lookout for new and innovative ways to drive traffic — relevant traffic, to be precise — to a website.

Now, there are plenty of technical methods for boosting your website’s traffic, but if you are looking for simple non-technical measures for improving traffic volume, the following list of actions should lend you a good start:

1. Make sure your content is search friendly

It pays to engage in a little bit of search engine optimization. And it is not rocket science. Just go through Google’s Keyword Planner for a few minutes and a simple search will provide you with a list of high ranking keywords pertaining to your query. Try and incorporate some of the relevant keywords in your web content so that your pages rank better for related queries. Remember, it is an art to skillfully incorporate keywords in your content. Spamming your webpages with keywords after keywords will only result in penalization of your website.

2. Develop sharable content

There is only so much that SEO can help you with. Sharable content is the number one way of boosting organic traffic. It pays to invest in good content creation and having great imagery (not the just ones you purchased from Shutterstock) across your webpages. When your page has enough substance that can be shared on Facebook and linked to Twitter, complemented with some great images that can be pinned on Pinterest, osmosis of good traffic happens by itself.

3. Promote your blogs on active web forums

This is one of the simplest steps you can take for boosting your website’s traffic. From something as basic as promoting your blog post on social networks and social communities therein (including those on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the likes) to affiliating with forums such as StumbleUpon, spread the word on relevant forums. You will see a noticeable spike in your website’s traffic soon enough.

4. Get savvy with social media

I know this comes as a cliché, but it really works. Leveraging social media is the easiest way to drive traffic to your website, if done right. It’s all about finding your magic number — how many posts a week and when during the week. Now, unfortunately there is no algorithm that can help you determine this magic number, but a few days of trial-and-error will do the trick just as well. Allot a week’s time for figuring out when are your audiences most engaged with your social pages, and from then on you can work towards putting together a content strategy.

5. Build and connect with your community

The best part about engaging with community members is that they are the most likely set of candidates from your heterogeneous universe to promote your business and vouch for it, too. And that’s just good reputation management right there. So, connect with experts from your domain and build a community of like-minded people who believe in the same things as you do, can offer you valuable feedback and also stand to act as your referrals. You can get these influencers to write about your products and include a link back to your website. Not only does it boost your product’s credibility and reputation, it’s also a good link building exercise.

6. Considering putting up a video on your website

Now, I say this because videos get featured on search results pretty high up. So you may want to consider hosting a video on your website — say a how-to series pertaining to your product. You can opt for adding these videos on YouTube for extended search coverage. And just so you know, YouTube drives the most number of engaged traffic of all social networks.

7. Offer guest posts on relevant web portals

This trick works really well if you are working in a niche category. If you can land up an opportunity to write a guest post on a website from where you are most likely to find prospective clients — let’s say a lifestyle magazine — then take a healthy shot at it. Write an exciting and engaging story about your business that will inspire a flood of click-throughs, so to say. Not only will your traffic volume increase, you may just get quality leads too.


These are just few of the very basic things you can indulge in when trying to boost website traffic. However, pay sincere attention to quality — quality of your web content, product and user-experience. At the end of the day you do not just want click-throughs, but click-throughs that will convert into leads. One fail safe I personally exercise when working on web content is to ask myself the following question: “Will I be convinced enough to click through to the website upon reading this?” You may try asking yourself the same.

Meeta Sharma is an independent writing and editing professional from digital marketing domain. Loves marketing and everything about it.

Meeta Sharma

Meeta Sharma is a content marketing specialist and regularly writes about her domain and start-up life.

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