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Brightpod Reviewed on Small Biz Trends

December 3, 2013

Today, I woke up to about a 100 tweets mentioning Brightpod and a direct message from TJ McCue of Small Biz Trends.

Thank you TJ for taking the time out to review Brightpod — A Review of Brightpod Team Collaboration for You

TJ covered the Editorial Calendar, Focus, Attention and Task features. Overall, here is what TJ had to say about Brightpod:

If you struggle to keep up with all your content, your campaigns, and other marketing functions, this review of Brightpod is for you….The more I used BrightPod, the more I liked it. Take a look and see if it can help you manage your marketing and business projects and goals.

These are the features that TJ liked:

  • It works with DropBox, Google Drive, and
  • The free plan now comes with 100Mb of free storage.
  • I really like the archive feature. Everyone who has worked with a team has probably at one time had another team member delete something that would have been useful if it were still accessible. Brightpod automatically archives all deleted material for 30 days, allowing you to retrieve necessary items that may have slipped into someone’s trash bin.
  • Daily progress report by email.

If you are a marketing team or an agency then we would highly encourage you to give Brightpod a try to help you scale your projects and grow your business.

Read the entire review here.

This is what our Twitter charts look today as compared to the rest of last month (November)

Brightpod stats on Topsy
‍Brightpod stats on Topsy

Sahil Parikh

Building Brightpod, playing golf 🏌🏽 and traveling the world 🌏

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