Musings, interviews, product stories & more to boost your digital marketing.
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The Best of Digital Marketing — Handpicked for You

May 17, 2013

Here is another edition of The Best of Digital Marketing for you all.

This week I bring some of the most informative articles I’ve read all week that’ll help you turbo-charge your marketing efforts and learn a great deal!

23 Steps to 100,000 Visitors (Step-by-Step Guide)

This mammoth post by from My Traffic Mentor gives some fresh insight on increasing website traffic. Some of the great tips include creating epic content, Google authorship, content curation through and 20 more. Bookmark this one!

Your Content Marketing Sucks. Here Are 10 Resources That Don’t

Content marketing is difficult to do. It’s a tried, tested and effective marketing technique but it takes time and a whole lot of effort to bring fruit. Let that not faze you, Marketers. With these great resources you can take on any content marketing challenge.

Why Interlinking Your Blogs Posts is a Must (and Not Just For SEO)

“Not only does a good internal SEO practice help boost your rankings by making it easier for Google’s crawlers to access your pages, but it also allows real people (yeah, they’re still on the internet) to navigate your site and hopefully stick around longer.” This essentially sums up this great post that talks about the benefits and ways of effective internal linking. Bloggers, don’t miss this one!

How I Doubled My Traffic by Finding My Audience

This fantastic post on Think Traffic has Robert Farrington talking about how he took his blog readership to a whole new level by going back to the drawing board and learning more about his audience and what they like. Must Read.

Facebook Ads vs Promoted Posts: A Side-by-Side Comparison

This useful post details out the comparison between Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts and the pros and cons of each. If you’re looking at Facebook marketing for your company, this is a great guide to help you decide which option makes sense for your business.

How to Use The Keyword Planner — The New Keyword Tool From Google AdWords

Google began rolling out the Adwords Keyword Planner to select brands last month and this has been of the biggest changes to the Adwords Keywords Tool.This in-depth post on Search Engine Land breaks down these changes and their impact. Take a look!

And that’s it for this time, Marketers! Stay tuned for more digital marketing tips, tricks and news next week!

Have a great weekend :)


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